Bio identical Hormone treatment Arden, NC - Hormone Health Institute

Introduction to Bioidentical Hormones

Bioidentical hormones are identical in molecular structure to the hormones naturally produced in the human body. As we age, our hormone levels decline causing unpleasant symptoms. Replacing diminishing hormones with bioidentical versions can alleviate symptoms and help people feel healthier and more energetic.

Hormone Health Institute specializes in customized bioidentical hormone therapy using hormones chemically identical to those made in the human body. We create personalized treatment plans to restore hormone balance and vitality.

What are Bioidentical Hormones?

Bioidentical hormones have a chemical structure matching human hormones but are created in a lab for therapy use. The most common are estradiol, progesterone, testosterone and DHEA.

Compounded bioidentical hormones can be made into pills, creams, gels or injectables specially dosed for each patient. They are natural plant-based hormones modified to be biochemically identical to human hormones.

Our services

Benefits of Bioidentical over Synthetic Hormones

Bioidentical hormones mimic the body's natural hormones more closely than synthetic versions. They potentially have less risks and fewer side effects.

Hormone Health Institute uses only pure USP-grade hormones, not synthetic or equine hormones. We specially prepare hormones in our own compounding pharmacy adapted for each patient's needs.

Customized Treatment Plans

Hormone levels and needs differ greatly between people. We first test patients thoroughly to determine their specific imbalances and requirements.

Hormone Health Institute specializes in completely customized bioidentical hormone treatments fine-tuned to each patient's unique biology and symptoms. We adjust dosages and delivery methods until hormone levels are optimized.

Ongoing Patient Care

Our clinicians monitor patients long-term to ensure hormone levels remain balanced. We adjust prescriptions as needed based on symptoms and regular blood or saliva tests.

Hormone Health Institute builds close doctor-patient relationships focused on restoring wellbeing through expert bioidentical hormone therapy.

Hormone Imbalances and Deficiency Signs

Declining hormone levels affect people differently depending on lifestyle, environment, genetics and stage of life. Imbalances produce symptoms diminishing health and quality of life.

Menopausal Hormone Changes

Perimenopause and menopause create hormone instability often lasting years prior to menstruation ending. Lower estrogen evokes hot flashes, night sweats, vaginal dryness, irregular cycles, trouble sleeping, weight gain and emotional changes.

Estrogen and progesterone loss escalates during menopause. Declines over years degrade bone and brain health increasing osteoporosis, dementia and chronic disease risks. Estrogen deficiency heightens heart disease likelihood 8-fold.

Replacing menopausal hormones alleviates uncomfortable symptoms allowing better sleep, stable moods and healthier aging.

Andropause or Male Menopause

Testosterone deficiency in men dubbed andropause causes fatigue, low libido, erectile dysfunction, loss of strength and lean body mass. Modest testosterone therapy boosts vitality, sexual health, fitness and wellbeing.

Other Hormone Deficits

Imbalances in thyroid, DHEA, melatonin or other hormones create problematic symptoms doctors can pinpoint through testing. Replacing deficient hormones revives energy, strength and resiliency.

Bioidentical hormones can correct most hormone deficits if properly dosed and monitored by an experienced clinician.

Restore hormone balance and vitality with Hormone Health Institute!

Diagnosing Hormone Imbalances

Identifying hormone shortfalls begins with a thorough history of symptoms, medical issues, lifestyle and family backgrounds. Patients then undergo comprehensive testing to reveal specific deficiencies suitable for treatment.

Blood Testing

Comparing blood hormone levels against standard reference ranges accurately diagnoses shortfalls. Repeat testing during therapy monitors progress adjusting prescriptions accordingly.

Hormone Health Institute utilizes leading commercial labs along with our own in-house testing for convenience and rapid results. We track all major hormones plus key biomarkers to deliver fully informed care.

Saliva Testing

For patients preferring non-invasive approaches, saliva also discloses hormone levels. Collection kits allow completing multiple samples at home for sensitive analysis.

Saliva testing quantifies free active hormones readily used by tissues. Differences between saliva and serum results provide diagnostic insights pairing methods enhances accuracy.

Symptom Questionnaires

Symptom surveys detail lifestyle, diet, sleep quality, appetite, emotional state and common hormone-related complaints. Scores help assess root causes and monitor improvements during therapy.

Comparing symptoms against blood or saliva assays confirms clinical significance when designing custom treatments. We repeatedly administer surveys to ensure patient satisfaction.

Hormone Health Institute Bioidentical Hormone Therapy

Hormone Health Instituteian-designed bioidentical regimens restore hormonal balance improving sleep, mood, cognition, appearance, fitness and intimacy. We personalize combinations, doses and delivery systems for optimal restoration of wellness and function.

Custom Compounding

Our on-site pharmacy mixes FDA-approved bioidentical hormones into personalized preparations including pills, creams, troches, suppositories, injectables and pellet implants dosed precisely for each patient’s needs.

Compounding allows hormones unavailable commercially combined with customized strengths across multiple delivery methods for steady infusions.

Estrogen and Progesterone

Balancing estradiol, estrone and estriol along with progesterone alleviates menopause symptoms, stabilizes moods, promotes better sleep, maintains bone density and reduces heart disease in women.

We compound biest and triest estrogen combinations with progesterone in creams, tablets or troches for symptom relief and drug-free wellness during peri- and post-menopause.


Men need adequate testosterone for optimal mental and physical function. Restoring youthful levels via gels, injections or pellets enhances libido, strength, endurance, motivation and overall vitality.

Hormone Health Institute prescribes bioidentical testosterone therapy for men showing andropause symptoms in concert with confirmed blood level declines. Ongoing monitoring ensures optimal dosing avoiding excess.

Thyroid Hormones

Hypothyroidism causes fatigue, stubborn weight gain and sensitivity to temperature among other signs. We provide correctly dosed thyroid hormone replacement alleviating low thyroid symptoms through sustained relief.


Melatonin governs healthy sleep-wake cycles and immune function. Supplementing with precise oral doses restores restful sleep and supports immune responses.


DHEA therapy alleviates adrenal fatigue improving energy, stamina, mood and sleep patterns in properly targeted cases through careful monitoring of treatment effects.

Interesting fact

Bioidentical hormones are not necessarily safer or more effective than synthetic hormones for menopausal symptoms. However, some women report preferring them because they more closely mimic the body's natural hormones. More research is still needed to fully understand the risks and benefits compared to traditional hormone therapy.

Lifestyle Optimization for Better Hormone Health

Foundational health sustains proper hormone physiology and responses to treatment. Hormone Health Institute therapists offer personalized guidance optimizing wellness through nutrition, stress-reduction, targeted supplementation and sensible caloric intake.

Nutrient Optimization

Certain nutrients like magnesium, zinc, omega-3s and key antioxidants better prepare cells to utilize hormones. Our clinicians advise nutraceuticals and foods high in critical factors that enhance hormone balance often depleted by medications, poor diets or malabsorption.

Improved Sleep Hygiene

Hormones intricately regulate sleep and waking cycles. Getting insufficient or erratic sleep disturbs circadian rhythms further disordering hormone secretion. Counseling on sleep environment, reduction of alcohol and enhanced daylight exposure restores restorative sleep vital for treatment efficacy.

Weight Management

Obesity and abdominal adiposity distort hormone levels promoting chronic disease. Achieving gradual weight loss through a high nutrient density eating plan supports treatment goals by improving insulin sensitivity and reducing inflammation for better clinical outcomes.

Targeted Exercise

Inactivity leads to muscle loss and metabolic defects weakening treatment performance. Our staff exercise physiologists offer personalized fitness guidance that best suits patients’ needs and limitations to regain strength, flexibility, balance and lean body mass boosting vitality.

Stress Modulation

Unabated stress elevates cortisol impairing cellular hormone responses. Learning stress reduction techniques like breathwork, biofeedback, meditation, yoga or mindfulness moderates stress reactions enhancing treatment efficiency.

Restore hormone balance and vitality. Contact us today!

The Hormone Health Institute Difference

Patients choose Hormone Health Institute seeking exceptional clinical expertise delivering optimized bioidentical hormone therapies for restored wellbeing. We earn trust through unparalleled patient focus, advanced testing and sincere dedication to superior outcomes.

Leading Clinicians

Our highly trained practitioners with specialized certification keep current on the latest advancements in hormone balancing science. We incorporate innovative assessments with compounded bioidenticals to elevate patient care.

Ongoing Patient Monitoring

Meticulous follow-up including routine blood testing tracks progress ensuring ideal hormone levels are achieved and maintained. We adjust doses promptly based on patient feedback and objective data to reach treatment goals.

Seamless Care Coordination

Our integrated clinic streamlines patient needs including in-house laboratory testing, custom compounding pharmacy and nutrition services united together to deliver coordinated care centered around the patient.

Holistic Approaches

Hormone Health Institute stands apart applying holistic therapies like acupuncture, skin rejuvenation techniques and wellness counseling alongside bioidentical hormones – leveraging complementary modalities targeting restoration of the entire mind-body system.

Hormone Health Institute offers Arden residents unsurpassed clinical excellence in bioidentical hormone replacement for reviving health, function and quality of life. Contact us today for advanced testing and to start feeling better fast!

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